I am super excited to say that starting next week I will be taking part in the Beachbody Ultimate Reset. This is a 21 day cleanse split up in 3 phases to help your body RECLAIM and rebalance itself, RELEASE harmful toxic
compounds that may be stored within, and RESTORE your system to its
maximum health (
http://www.ultimatereset.com/). Somewhere along the way of me purchasing Beachbody products I got paired up with a very inspirational coach, Sean. He put this 21-day challenge out to our team, and 4 of us will be making the journey together.
So why reset? And why start blogging again?
The reset caught my attention because it adheres to the principles I believe in. "Let food be thy medicine" - Hippocrates. If you put junk in, you're going to get junk out. And you're going to feel...junky. The reset program is focused around whole foods (mainly vegan) eating - which is something I do already. As most people feel at some point in their life, I feel like I've been in a rut lately.
Are you tired? Have you been feeling sick? Run-down? Having trouble with your digestion? Do you have hard time losing weight?" These are questions the reset pose to you. And unfortunately, I can answer "yes" to most of them. I am taking this awesome OPPORTUNITY to get back on track and treat my body right!
I have seem some people do video-logs of their day-to-day experiences on the cleanse. I'm more of a blogger, and this blog is something I've wanted to revive anyways. I have committed to 21-days on the cleanse, and hopefully 21 days of blogging will get me back on track here too!
There you have it. I'll post about the good, the bad, and the ugly. I believe in this system, and even though I expect the ups & downs of any detox program, I know the results will be worth it. Come along on my journey :)
Photo Credit: http://www.yogafromthehearttx.com/ |
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