Sunday, May 20, 2012

Beachbody Ultimate Reset Day 14 - Two Milestones

Phase 2 wraps up this evening for me. That means the end of the Detox packets for me! Wohoo! To be honest, the taste did not get to me as much towards the end of the week. I even stopped drowning it in lemon juice half way through the week. Still, I'm glad to be done with the stuff!

A celebration...

3...2...1...AND DONE!

There are some more things for me to celebrate. This week marks two HUGE milestones in my fitness journey. First, I have officially got into the 140s for the first time, seriously, EVER. I am so pumped! Even when I did weight watchers I never broke 155. And I was always starving on weight watchers - not fun!

The second milestone I can celebrate is fitting into a SIZE SIX jeans. A six! A SIX!! I never thought I would be a size six. This week I've noticed my jeans have definitely felt loser. I think I am losing the bloat that used to constantly hang around my stomach. For the heck of it, I tried on some size 6 jeans at the mall yesterday. They fit! Such a great feeling :)

Of course I want to share some food pictures with everyone. Bring on the yummy!

Steamed Veggies and Baked Squash w/Tahini Sauce - Jon shared dinner with me!

Squash soup and a big salad! I took some fattoush salad from a local Mediterranean restaurant and added it to my greens. Finished it off with pumpkin seeds!
Coconut Greens - a dish I was surprised I loved! Adding the coconut milk and caramelized onions is a great trick! 

It's hard to believe it is the end of week 2 already! Although some days have been a mental struggle for me (I just want a cookie!) these 14 days really have gone by fast. See you in Phase 3!

Interested in Beachbody's Ultimate Reset? For more information click here!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing results here Laura! I so agree with you on the detox stuff. I hate the taste. I am not done yet as I still have one more packet to go. :( I would also like to send a huge congrats to you on moving in to the 140 range and fitting in to a size 6 jeans. Personally, I think nutrition is the key when it comes to improving one’s health and fitness. Great job!
