Saturday, November 24, 2012

Back to Blogging

Life can be exhausting some times! So much has happened between my last post and now, I'm not sure where to even start! Wedding planning & online classes for my master's degree have sucked up all of my free time. The wedding is over though now, and one of my 'resolutions' for the new year is to commit more time to blogging & online coaching because, well simply, I really enjoy it!

I find New Year's resolutions a bit laughable. I mean, why do you need a new year to commit to bettering yourself? I know its a good reference point in time, but I think if you have a good idea you should just run with it, no matter the calendar date! For example, I was going to start training for the half-marathon I signed up for in January (the race itself is in May) because all the training plans I can find have you on about a 16 week plan. But why wait? I have lots of excess energy from sitting at a desk all day & need some outlet to burn my stress off! Plus, I'm just excited about FINALLY getting around to a half-marathon, so I'm trying to ride this good feeling. I know there will be days I won't feel like running the 13.1 miles I committed to, so this gives me some cushion room for training!

Back to blogging...I do need somewhere to keep track of my workouts & what I am eating & all the random fun fitness things I find on the web. In the past I've always used my blog as a place to store inspiration, so what better reason to start blogging again. As I say, my goal really is to inspire others as I have been inspired too!

So what is your New Year's resolution? Do you really need to wait until Jan 1 2013? Get started today!

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